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Environment Committee

What We Do

The Environment Committee takes the lead in shaping the Federation’s voice on environmental issues that affect Fairfax County and its residents. 


We keep abreast of local, state, and regional environmental initiatives that impact the County, and we advocate before the General Assembly, the Board of Supervisors, and relevant agencies to advance the interests of the people who live here. 


We welcome input from our members to help us get ahead of emerging environmental issues and to stay on top of continuing problems. 


Have a concern, or want to get involved?  Contact our Chair, Dave Fitzgerald, at

News & Updates


The Fairfax County Office of Environmental and Energy Coordination has reopened the Charge Up Program to assist Community Associations obtain electric vehicle charging stations. Eligible and accepted associations will receive financial and technical support to install car charging stations in their community. All Homeowner associations, condos, clusters, and co-ops can apply between 5/1/2024 and 6/30/2024. Find all additional details on the Charge Up Fairfax webpage.


Recent Actions

A Tribute to Flint Webb

  • A tribute to Flint Webb’s outstanding contributions to the environmental and conservation issues that affect the welfare of Fairfax citizens, Fairfax County, and the Commonwealth of Virginia, and to the recognition the Federation receives from county and state representatives for Flint bringing forth these timely issues.

  • Flint has been Chairman of the Federation Environment and Conservation Committee for over 16 years. Under his dedicated leadership, it has had many members and consulting contributors, including Alex Vassalotti, Monica Billger, Betsy Martin, Merilee Pierce, Edward Monroe, Greg Dougherty, Ned Poffenbenberger, Ana Prados, Kathy Ledec, and Jack Dobbyn.

  • Flint also represented the Federation on, or coordinated with, several Fairfax County Boards and Commissions, including the Engineering Standards Review Committee, the Community-Wide Energy and Climate Action Plan, the Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan Community Advisory Group, and the Metropolitan Washington Air & Climate Public Advisory Committee.

  • The tribute is available here.


Legislative Accomplishments

  • Roadway Salt and Lawn Fertilizer (19C02): Bill to allow Counties and Towns to regulate fertilizer applicators passed and was signed into law in 2020.

  • Plastic Bags (19C03): Bill to allow Counties and Towns to tax plastic bags passed and was signed into law in 2020.·        

  • Residential Property Assessed Clean Energy (19C01): Bill passed the Senate and made it to the House of Delegates but the Residential PACE was stripped out.

  • Support Net Metering and Renewable Energy in Virginia (18C01): Bill passed and was signed into law in 2020.


County Accomplishments

  • Fairfax County adopted the Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) Ordinance with input from Federation representative on the Stakeholder Committee (March 2019)

  • Fairfax County incorporated Federation recommendations into the Lighting Ordinance (Federation resolution adapted, December 2018)



  • Supporting Underground Utilities & Communication Lines (October 2019)

  • Supporting C-PACE Ordinance (March 2019)

  • Supporting the Flood Plain Ordinance (December 2018) – Recommended to the Membership but never included in the agenda

  • Calling for the County to not spray for the Spring Cankerworms (November 2014)

  • Carbon Dioxide (December 2006)

  • Stormwater Utility (March 2005)


Membership Meetings

  • Resilient Fairfax (Matthew Mayers, Division Manager, Fairfax County Office of Environment and Energy Coordination; and Allison Homer, Planer IV/Senior Community Specialist at Fairfax County Office of Environmental and Energy Coordination, February 24, 2022)

  • Fairfax County's Community-wide Energy and Climate Action Plan (Matthew Meyers, Division Manager, Office of Environmental and Energy Coordination, Fairfax County Government, December 16, 2021)

  • Pre- and Polyfluoroalkil Substances (PFAS) (Steve Edgemon, General Manager, Fairfax Water; and Sydney Evans, Science Analyst, Environmental Working Group (EWG), May 27, 2021)

  • Environment Committee Meeting (May 19, 2021)

  • Farmers Markets and Garden Plots (April 28, 2020)

  • Sustainable Solutions to Landscaping Headaches (March 6, 2020) 

  • What’s in Our Drinking Water (Susan Miller, Fairfax Water, December 2019)

  • Green Electricity (Dr. Jan Sklarew, George Mason University, April 2019)

  • Salt Management Strategy (William Isenberg, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, January 2019)

  • Plastics: In the Environment ((Kris Unger, Friends of Accotink Creek), Recycling (Erica Carter, Fairfax County Solid Waste Management Program), and Covanta Waste to Energy Facility (Don Cammerata, Frank Capobiaco, and Joe Walsh, Covanta), March 2018)

  • Neighborhood Forest Management (Jim McGlone, Virginia Department of Forestry, January 2017)


Board and Commission Positions

  • Engineering Standards Review Committee (ESRC) – Ned Poffenbenberger

  • Community-Wide Energy and Climate Action Plan (CECAP) – Ana Prados, Alternate: Flint Webb, PE

  • Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan  CARP) Community Advisory Group - Flint Webb, PE

  • Metropolitan Washington Air & Climate Public Advisory Committee (ACPAC)  – Carey Campbell

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