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Education Committee

What We Do

The Education Committee monitors the performance, activities, and actions of the elected Fairfax County School Board members, reviews proposals to establish, expand, or reduce County and State-level educational programs, and proposes Federation positions on the annual Fairfax County Public School System budget.

For committee-specific inquires, contact our Chair, listed HERE.

Recent Actions

The Federation’s Education Committee has worked as partners with FCPS to help improve the school system’s operations. We regularly provide input through testimony, regular informal communications, and by serving on a variety of standing and/or temporary committees. Over the past few years we have supported joint operations between FCPS and the County, encouraged more intensive investments in computing technology, pushed for greater strategic thinking, and encouraged our schools to maintain a strong Advanced Academic Program. In Richmond among our other accomplishments we are proud to have helped pass two pieces of long-awaited legislation: (1) In 2019 we helped obtain local control over our school calendar with the passage of SB1005 and HB1652 after almost a decade of advocacy, and (2) In 2020 we helped obtain greater flexibility to fund schools by more closely equalizing the taxing powers of counties with those of cities, through SB 588 and HB 785.   Recently we have advised FCPS on several significant issues (see below).

Recent Announcements

The next Education Committee Meeting is taking place on Tuesday, September 17th from 7:30-9PM in Room 5056 of the FCPS Gatehouse Administrative Center.  We will be discussing taking action on the issue of secondary grading and reporting, as well as discussing what other issues should form our agenda for the year.

Recent Announcements - Education
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