Become a Member
We invite you to join the Federation if your homeowner or civic association has a minimum of 10 housing units. For more information, go to our Membership Application.
Dues are payable in June of each year and and can be determined using the chart below.
If you have questions about the membership application or process, we encourage you to contact our 1st Vice President, listed HERE.
Ten Reasons to Join the Federation
The Federation is the only County-wide volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan organization representing the concerns of homeowner, community, and condominium associations.
The Federation focuses objectively on your association's problems, achievements, and neighboring community issues.
Federation programs allow you to be part of today's solutions to transportation, environmental, education, taxation, and similar timely Community and Commonwealth issues.
The Federation stays on top of the issues, from member opinions to its annual Legislative Issues Report to Fairfax officials.
Federation meetings are opportunities to meet your neighbors next door and citizens throughout Fairfax County.
Federation members have "a seat at the table" - County Supervisors frequently ask the Federation for citizen recommendations on many subjects and issues.
The Federation speaks on your behalf at public hearings, through written resolutions, in task forces and commissions, and through the media.
The Federation introduces you to decision-makers in Fairfax County, the Northern Virginia region, and the Commonwealth.
The Federation has 80 years of local, regional, and Commonwealth experience and influence.
By being within the Federation's large membership, your association's voice is more influential to elected officials.
Please choose your preferred payment method below.
Payments can be processed via PayPal, or paper check.
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Please address all checks to:
Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations
P.O. Box 3913, Merrifield, VA