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Special Committees

About Special Committees

Federation Special Committees provide services within the Federation organization, for Federation member associations, or for the welfare of Fairfax residents.  Special committees are appointed to identify specific countywide issues, investigate and report on a specific topic, and recommend and draft resolutions for a Federation position on County and Commonwealth issues.

Amazon HQ Impact Committee

What We Do

The Amazon Headquarters Impact Committee was appointed as a Special Project to evaluate and provide insight to the impact of Amazon moving into Northern Virginia.

For committee-specific inquires, contact our Chair at (email)

Amazon Impact

Audit Committee

What We Do

The Audit Committee was appointed under the By-Laws to audit the Treasurer's accounts at the close of the fiscal year and present its report at the regular meeting in September.

For committee-specific inquires, contact our Chair at (email)


Finance Committee

What We Do

The Finance Committee was appointed under the By-Laws to prepare and submit a draft budget for the next fiscal year to the Board of Directors at its April meeting, ensure publication of the budget recommended by the Board of Directors in the notice for the annual meeting, and present the proposed budget at the annual meeting for adoption.

For committee-specific inquires, contact our Chair at (email)


Google Docs Implementation Committee

What We Do

The Google Docs Implementation Committee was appointed as a Special Project to describe and implement the process and management by the Federation converting to and using Google Docs for communications and record keeping.

For committee-specific inquires, contact our Chair at (email)

Google Docs

Library Committee

What We Do

The Library Committee was appointed as a Special Project to provide information about and liaison to the Fairfax County Public Library, the Friends of various Library branches, and library related legislation from the Board of Supervisors and the General Assembly.

For committee-specific inquires, contact our Chair at (email)


Membership Committee

What We Do

The Membership Committee was appointed under the By-Laws to maintain an active list of all association members and their contacts, perform annual renewal outreach to current year member associations, perform reinstatement outreach to former member associations, actively solicit new association memberships, and maintain liaison with the Treasurer to identify associations eligible to vote.

For committee-specific inquires, contact our Chair at (email)


Nominating Committee

What We Do

The Nominating Committee was appointed under the By-Laws to propose a slate for one-year terms and nominations to fill unexpired terms created by vacancies and publish the slate in the April notice of the annual May meeting.

For committee-specific inquires, contact our Chair at (email)


UAS Drones Committee

What We Do

The UAS Drones Committee was appointed as a Special Project.  The Federation provided a representative, along with other stakeholders and interested parties, to the Fairfax County's task force to develop policies for public safety (fire, police, ambulance) use of unmanned aircraft systems (drones).  The policy document was published and UAS training and use is underway.  The Federation will participate in the planned steering committee for UAS use.

For committee-specific inquires, contact our Chair at (email)


Undergrounding of Utilities Committee

What We Do

The Undergrounding of Utilities Committee was appointed as a Special Project to provide guidance and coordination with Fairfax communities regarding the undergrounding of utilities and to develop a Federation position for conveyance to the Board of Supervisors.

For committee-specific inquires, contact our Chair at (email)


Website Improvement Committee

What We Do

The Website Improvement Committee was appointed as a Special Project to establish requirements for development, guidelines for testing and implementation, and procedures for operations of the new Federation website.

For committee-specific inquires, contact our Chair at (email)

Website Improvement
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